Friday, February 5, 2010

2010 so far...

this year is starting off as a busy one! its not too busy on the weekends, which is really nice. but its the week days that are a bit hectic for us. for those of you who don't know, Jas started EMT school back in November. he goes to class every monday and wednesday night right after work til 10 pm. he has a really long day! so usually on those days i dont really see him cause i go to bed early (now that im "working"). the class ends on march 29th, so its getting close to finishing but buts still almost 8 more weeks of not seeing him much on the evenings. on tuesdays, we have homegroup, which is awesome! but mostly our thoughts, prayers, and conversations are geared towards homegroup and not much else on tuesday evenings. so thursdays are usually glorious for us...we eat dinner togther, we watch our fave tv shows (usually at amy and blake's), and just enjoy being together. its really nice to be able to catch up on the week! sometimes ill be like...".oh yea, on monday i meant to tell you...blah blah blah" since we don't get much time to catch up.

as for me, i just started my field placement at parkland hospital in dallas...which is the county hospital where JFK died. it is one crazy place! i am trying to decide whether or not i could see myself practicing social work in the medical field. so far its been a bit overwhelming at times, but i do like it for the most part. i am working there 36 hours a week...non paid, too! bummer....but i will be graduating in may and hopefully will be employed soon after, Lord willing! but thankfully i have fridays off...which is why i am blogging right now! so anyways, if you think about us ever...please pray for endurance and strength in the Lord to finish up this season of life by abiding and hoping in Christ and his love and power. thank you! until next time...


Monique said...

yall sound super busy! maybe we could live in the same city since both lose our husbands to shooling...

Monique said...

i forgot to say, live in the same city so we can hang out since we lose our husbands to schooling

Waco Sudans said...

It is a bummer but sacrifice early can build for better relationships later on. Luana didn't see me for 4 years!!! Artie

Birdwells said...

just think, in a few months jason will be a fireman and you will be dominating the social work arena! hope to see you guys soon! -Tim