Thursday, April 30, 2009

Emery Kate Marable!

I am proud to introduce the newest member of the Marable family...Emery Kate Marable! She was born on Monday night at 9:27 pm! Isn't she so sweet?! This is my first niece (I have 2 nephews) and I am excited to experience being an aunt to a girl! If you want to see more pictures...check out (Christy's blog). I'm sure there will be more pictures in the future! :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


ok, is this background too much/too springy? its spring time and i felt the need to change it up! plus i do like the aqua color. let me know if it is completely hideous...

I don't have too much going on at the internship today, so i thought i would do a quick blog. i am hungry for lunch already and it is 10:49 am. fun stuff. anyways, this week has been a bit of a beat down school wise for me. but praise the Lord yesterday is over! i turned a fatty research paper and had to present it yesterday and then i had a big research exam, which i feel like i did pretty decent on. now i just have 3 more papers, two more presentations, and about 115 more hours at my internship 'til i am finished on May 15th! i will have a good two 1/2 week break until summer school starts, so i know i will enjoy that time!

in fire fighting news....jason passed the civil service exam for DFD and will be taking another test (the accuplacer) on Saturday at 3:30 pm! please pray for him! this is step number 2 in the it is exciting to move on and hopefully he will continue on through the process! On my way to work today I saw the firefighters out on the streets with their boots doing their annual "put money in my boot" deal (i dont actually know what it is called)and i was imagining Jas doing that. he looked cute out my head. ok well thats all folks. i should probably go do something productive!

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Office Musical

In honor of the wonderful show "The Office"...I found this video quite funny, but maybe its only funny to fans of the show. Oh well, enjoy!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hand of God?

Check this out...cnn had this article online of this image NASA took from a telescope. It resembles a hand reaching across space. I saw it and I was like, "Dude, God's creation is ridiculous!" So I just wanted to share...

The article stated..."The finger-like structures are apparently caused by 'energizing knots of material in a neighboring gas cloud,' "NASA says. I mean...I just say God is pretty creative and awesome, and knows that He is doing...

Friday, April 10, 2009


Our little pup got neutered yesterday...poor thing. he is 7 months old now, so it was time. He is wearing one of those cone things and he looks hilarious. he keeps running into the wall or various objects because he just doesn't quite get that this cone is attached to his body. he even tries to sleep on our chest and his big ol cone is all up in our face and the poor little guy just doesn't get why he can't stay there. anyways, he is the cutest and i hope you enjoy the pics...

Friday, April 3, 2009

thank you...

Just want to say thanks to everyone for the support and prayers this past week with Jason's Dad emergency surgery that took place this past Tuesday. It has been a bit of a whirlwind, to say the least, but overall I have to say that GOD IS GOOD! I am so thankful to God for his provision, even when it is confusing and difficult. Who knew that Artie Sudan- healthy runner and athlete- would need to undergo bypass surgery...and not only that, but need 6 of them! People keep asking "Golly! How many are there??" I'm still wondering about that...All I know is that God sustained him and allowed him to get the help that he needed just in time. And I know that the Sudan family will be forever grateful to God for this.

People are also asking about why he had clogged arteries and what not. Like i really can understand all that...I am in graduate school for social work not med school. But from what people are saying it is mainly due to the type of cholesterol one has(which i think is genetic). There are different types(fluffy, medium, & tiny--i am not making this up), and some tend to be more susceptible to clogging in the arteries. I'm sure Dr. Sudan will read this and correct me(which i fully welcome). And while there are risk factors, such as smoking and poor diet, for heart's mainly genetic.

Anyways, I just wanted to send out a thank you to everyone who prayed...the Body of Christ is amazing! We had people praying from all over the world- from Bolivia to South Africa. But mainly, I just want to give God all the glory for what He has done...for his healing power and divine providence!! Thank you, Lord!!